Sunday, September 11, 2011

7 Days in Utopia

Sounds like I went on a vacation, huh? In case you haven't heard, it is the name of a movie that just came out. The movie buzz right now is all about "The Help" and I love that movie, too, BUT 7 Days in Utopia is right up there with it!! It takes place in a little town in south central Texas called Utopia and the disheartened golfer who stumbles upon it. Robert Duvall portrays a man full of wisdom who directs the golfer down a more meaningful path of life. At the end, they flash on the screen a website you can go to to learn the "rest of the story." You will be missing a real blessing if you do not visit the site. In this wild and crazy world, it is so refreshing to see such a wonderful movie. Go soon and let me know what you think!! Everyone needs 7 Days in Utopia!!

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

Hey sweet friend, I'm so glad you saw, loved and posted about, Seven Days In Utopia. We haven't seen any
Movies since Football season started but our
friends Laynce and Leslie have told us a number
of times how lovely it was! We always enjoy
Robert Duval.